Friday, January 30, 2009


It's Friday, almost noon.  Still out of work, have a PET scan on Monday morning, dreading the results.  Still not feeling better, my chest hurts, have some trouble with my breathing, well, I don't know, I am just, well, whatever...

I'm not sure if anyone is reading this.  At one point I wrote my friends and family and told them I was doing a blog, but I only wrote a couple of times, then gave up.  Maybe some are.  I thought Google had a way to track hits, but can't find it.  Oh, well, maybe it makes me feel better.

Football!  Listening to Roger Goodell, commissioner of the NFL, give his State of the League right now.  Interesting, he has some things going on, but doesn't really say much.  He says they are doing well, but the NFL has to keep costs down like all others in the world.  I hope the NFL keeps going well.  It is by far my favorite sport.  I love the NFL, and want to see them continue to grow.  We are supposed to go to Chicago this year(me, my wife, Kevin and Emily) for a game as my 40th b-day comes up in August.  I hope we can.  I am so excited about it.  We'll see...

Well, enough for the day, go back to reading online comic books, at Marvel.  Great Digital comics there...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Rod Marinelli

Ok, still home, still sick.  Kinda bored, but have PS2 games to play.  Yeah, I know, PS2, old, but I already have it, so I'm using it.  Have a Wii, but that uses to much movement for me.  Maybe next week.  I could go onto my iMac, but it's downstairs in the basement, and it's cold down there.  

OK, Bears stuff:  Rod Marinelli.  Not sure what to think.  On one hand, he has been known as a good D coach, and I don't blame the whole Detroit Lions thing on him, but going from a head coach to a D-line coach?  Hmmm.  I hope for the best.  We need to really shore our Running D, and maybe he'll help.

Now, his comments to the Detroit Press at the Senior Bowl:  I don't blame him at all.  The Detroit press harassed the man constantly in Detroit, and I remember one of them asking an inappropriate question about one of his coach's, who happened to also be his Son-in-law.  So, he is done with Detroit, and he showed them that with his comments.  Now, he could have probably chose a better way to express hi feelings, but, in the heat of the moment, it happened.  I saw in a couple of places that there was some question of firing him.  Know, really, firing the man?  Good golly, why!  He made a small comment, apologized for it, and moved on.  What about the reporter that asked about his Coach Son-in-law?  Was he reprimanded?  Did he apologize?  Should he have been fired?  Get a grip, people.  This is life, people say things in the heat of the moment.  This is just stupid.

Next time, maybe about the Chicago Mayor commenting about having another Chicago NFL team...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I'm Sick of Being Sick!!!

Well, I'm sick again.  Got pneumonia again.  Been out of work since Dec 29th, really bored and feeling really crappy.  There is a song by the Bob and Tom show, made created and performed by Bob, and it so defines me right now, called 'I'm Sick of Being Sick!'.

Oh, well, I just gotta get better.  This CVID i have really gives me some problems.

On to fun things:  The Superbowl!!!

Wow, the Arizona Cardinals, who woulda thunk it!  I have to admit, I didn't think they could do it.  But they looked impressive against the Eagles.  Good defense, and a great explosive offense.  It'll be interesting to see how they do against the Steelers D!!

By the way, I'm going for the Steelers, being a former PA guy (and because the Bears are out).

Speaking of the Bears, I think we have a good start on our offense, but we need some receiving talent.  We have Hester, a great deep throw threat, but we need some other good receivers to take some heat of him.  I think Orton is going to be a good, solid quarterback, and Forte is a good running back.

Well, all for Tuesday.  See how things go tomorrow.
